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Advanced off-road riding
10 - 13 July, 2025
Amersfoort, Mpumalanga


Please review the information you provided

  • 2. Contact Information
    • Please provide us with a valid email address to be used for formal communication
    • Please provide us with a valid mobile number to be used for urgent communication
    • Please tell us what your home town (city) is
    • Please tell us what your postal code is
  • 3. Rider Information
    • Please tell us what your first name is
    • Please tell us what your surname is
    • Please tell us what your gender is
    • Please tell us what your date of birth (birthday) is YYYY-mm-dd i.e. 1980-01-23
    • Please tell us what bike you will be riding
    • Please tell us how much riding experience you have

1. Course Options

Amersfoort, Mpumalanga

10 - 13 July, 2025

R8 630,00

{{ cost | currency : "R " : 2 }}

2. Contact Information

To be used for ALL formal communication

3. Rider Information

YYYY-mm-dd i.e. 1980-01-23

Number of years experience riding on-road, off-road and previous training

Allergies, food allergies etc.

We'll try our best to accommodate everyone, although it may not always be possible

4. Checkout

Amersfoort, Mpumalanga

10 - 13 July, 2025

{{booking.firstName}} {{booking.surname}}



  • {{addon}}
{{ cost | currency : "R " : 2 }}
When you click on 'Book & Pay', we will redirect you to PayFast's secure payment gateway where you will be able to pay using your VISA or MasterCard credit card.
When you click on 'Book & Pay', we will redirect you to PayFast's secure payment gateway where you will be able to pay using your VISA or MasterCard debit card.
When you click on 'Book & Pay', we will redirect you to PayFast's secure payment gateway where you will be able to pay using an instant EFT.
When you click on 'Book Now', we will send you an e-mail with an invoice and payment instructions attached to it. Your provisional booking will remain valid for 24 hours while we wait for the proof of payment. After this period we will allow other participants to book the spot.

Double your Skills and Halve your Fears

Advanced off-road riding

There are those who possess the skill and confidence to venture into the unknown. Riders who attempt to follow every trail, regardless of where it leads. Their bikes ridden with equal portions of aggression and finesse. They embrace every obstacle along the way. They seek it... They are ADVANCED

Experienced off-road riders will be delighted by the four-day, advanced off-road riding course. The course is challenging and teaches the salient points of the craft. It is essential that you have mastered all the techniques taught at the intermediate course - and be riding fit - to fully benefit from the advanced course.

What you will be scored on

  • Level of skills
  • Overall fitness
  • Safety awareness
  • Environmental awareness
  • Overall "sharpness"
  • Level of camaraderie
  • Motorcycle preservation


The 600-hectare Country Trax site is situated near Amersfoort in Mpumalanga, and Jan du Toit has specially designed and prepared the facilities for off-road training of the highest standard.


Official Training Partner of BMW

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